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Hikari Vibra Bites™.

Vibra Bites™ resemble
live red mosquito larvae.

Many tropical fish love red mosquito larvae, but by feeding live food, you take the risk of bacteria and parasites in the food. Also, you can only store the food for a short time. The new Hikari Vibra Bites™ looks like live red mosquito larvae, this allows your tropical fish to still hunt the food without risk. 

Suitable for tropical fish
which prefer live food.

For good growth &
colour digestion.

Hikari® Vibra Bites™.

Hikari Vibra Bites™ is a unique food designed to mimic the shape and movement of live red mosquito larvae.

Hikari Vibra Bites™

Hikari Vibra Bites is designed to mimic the shape and movement of live red mosquito larvae. The food sinks slowly and moves through the current in the water like live food, this lures fish to eat, most fish love this type of food. Hikari Vibra Bites provides exceptional, brilliant and vibrant colours. The food can be fed to all fish that also eat live food.

Available in:: 35 – 73 – 280 gram

Hikari Vibra Bites™Baby

Baby size, daily food for small fish species, the perfect alternative to live food. Thanks to its scientific and highly nutritious composition, fish growth and colour improvement are already visible within one month.

Available in: 5 – 37 gram, 1 kg

Hikari Vibra Bites™XL

XL size, daily food for larger fish species, the perfect alternative to live food. The stick quickly softens in the water, but retains its shape and does not dissolve, the structure is therefore similar to live food, due to its shape it moves like a live red midge.

Available in: 125 – 415 – 500 gram, 1 kg

Freshkeeper Refill Solution

The Hikari Freshkeeper Refill Solution offers the perfect solution for preserving the freshness of fish food. The integrated valve system in the lid ensures extremely precise dosing during feeding. With the Hikari Freshkeeper, you choose exceptional nutritional care for your fish!

Unique properties.

Exceptionally brilliant and vibrant colours.

Hikari Vibra Bites provides exceptionally brilliant and vibrant colours. Due to its scientific and highly nutritious composition, fish growth and colour improvement are visible within as little as one month.

Simulates shape and movement of red mosquito larvae

Hikari Vibra Bites is a unique food designed to mimic the shape and movement of live red mosquito larvae. The slow-sinking food moves with the current in the water, just as live food would. This provokes an eating response.

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