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COâ‚‚ Systems

Indispensable for
healthy plant growth.

Plants need COâ‚‚ for their growth. During the day, when there is light, plants absorb COâ‚‚ and produce oxygen. During the night this process reverses, COâ‚‚ is released and oxygen is absorbed.

Due to the fact that aquarium plants grow underwater, they need to absorb COâ‚‚ from the water. In normal conditions, aquarium water does not contain sufficient amounts of COâ‚‚ for healthy growth. With a COâ‚‚ system, COâ‚‚ gas is added to the water. The plants can absorb the COâ‚‚ from the water.

Different ways of
providing COâ‚‚.

CO₂ is key to achieving fantastic plant growth! Whatever system you prefer—CO₂ injection or additives—Colombo offers the perfect solution for your aquarium, from disposable cylinders in several sizes or refillable DIY systems to CO₂ additives like FloraGrow Carbo. There are two primary methods for introducing CO₂ into your aquarium. Discover the various options Colombo provides to ensure your plants receive the CO₂ they need:

Injecting COâ‚‚ gas

You can add COâ‚‚ by injecting COâ‚‚ gas, which is most effective. COâ‚‚ gas is injected by using pressurized cylinders, which can be refillable or disposable.

Adding liquid COâ‚‚ additives

COâ‚‚ can also be added using liquid carbon sources like FloraGrow Carbo. FloraGrow Carbo contains a substance that acts as a COâ‚‚ substitute, making it ideal for aquariums without a COâ‚‚ system. By adding FloraGrow Carbo, plants can readily absorb this alternative carbon source, eliminating the need for COâ‚‚ injection.

Disposable COâ‚‚ systems

Colombo provides a range of disposable COâ‚‚ cylinders in different sizes, from 12 grams to 1200 grams, like the Profi-cylinder sets. Our aluminum cylinders are fully recyclable and eliminate the need to find a refill station.



Do-It-Yourself COâ‚‚ systems

If you want to inject COâ‚‚ without refilling bottles or buying disposable cylinders, our Do-It-Yourself COâ‚‚ system, the Colombo COâ‚‚ Reactor, is the perfect solution. With this set, you can make your own COâ‚‚ using two components. Our system uses acid-bicarbonate components, which are superior to systems using yeast-sugar methods. Yeast-sugar systems are inconsistent and difficult to regulate. Our system, with acid-bicarbonate ingredients, provides a consistent and controllable COâ‚‚ supply for reliable COâ‚‚ production.


What do plants require
for optimal growth?

For optimal plant growth, 3 factors must be in balance: light, nutrition and COâ‚‚. The factor which is least available in the trinity will restrict plant growth and thus create scope for algae growth.