Our COâ‚‚ Sets.
Complete set range of solutions for adding sufficient COâ‚‚ to the water.
COâ‚‚ Advance Set
Complete COâ‚‚ set for aquariums up to 100 litres. The pressure regulator controls the amount of COâ‚‚ flowing into the diffuser. Inside the diffuser, the built-in bubble counter allows you to see how many COâ‚‚ bubbles are released in a given time. The diffuser produces very fine bubbles so that the COâ‚‚ gas is well absorbed by the water. With the adaptor available as an accessory, you can upgrade this set and use a large 800 or 1200-gr CO2 cylinder.
The COâ‚‚ advance set consists of:
- 95 grams COâ‚‚ pressure cylinder
- Pressure regulator
- 3-in-1 diffuser + connections.
800 gram COâ‚‚ Profi Set
The COâ‚‚ Profi Set is a professional COâ‚‚ system for aquaria from 50 to 400 litres capacity. You can expand the COâ‚‚ Profi Set with a solenoid valve, which is available as an accessory. The iron pressure cylinder is for single use, the cylinder is fully recyclable and thus good for the environment.
The COâ‚‚ Basic set consists of:
- 800-gram COâ‚‚ pressure cylinder
- Pressure regulator
- 3-in-1 diffuser + connections
- M10 schrader valve
COâ‚‚ Basic Set
The COâ‚‚ Basic Set provides an easy way to add COâ‚‚ to small aquariums. Fill the diffuser with CO2 and contact with the water absorbs the COâ‚‚ gas. Handy COâ‚‚ basic set for small aquariums, ready to use in minutes. Check the COâ‚‚ content of the aquarium water with the COâ‚‚ indicator. Order refill bottles so you can continue dosing COâ‚‚ inexpensively when the first bottle is empty.
- 12 grams of COâ‚‚
COâ‚‚ Reactor
The Colombo COâ‚‚ reactor is a complete set to easily make COâ‚‚ yourself using two components. Instead of exchanging pressure bottles, the empty bottle with the 2-components can simply be refilled with pure COâ‚‚ gas.
Create your own upgraded Advance set!
Experience versatility with our professional concept setup!
This provides a variety of extension possibilities to adapt to different stages of your aquarium hobby!
Begin with our Colombo COâ‚‚ Advance kit
Start with the COâ‚‚ Advance kit, equipped with a 95-gram cylinder, Pressure regulator
and 3-in-1 diffuser, which is ideal for aquariums up to 100 liters.
Enhance efficiency with a COâ‚‚ Indicator
Enhance the the COâ‚‚ Advance kit with various options. One such option is employing a COâ‚‚ indicator, providing real-time monitoring of COâ‚‚ levels in your aquarium. This ensures optimal COâ‚‚ levels, preventing overuse and optimizing the kit’s efficiency.
Stop COâ‚‚ wastage with a Solenoid Valve
Another recommended accessory is a Solenoid, a magnetic valve that opens and closes in combination with a standard timer. This allows you to halt the COâ‚‚ flow at night when plants don’t require it, effectively doubling the lifespan of your COâ‚‚ cylinder.
Upgrade with adapter ring to larger COâ‚‚ cylinders
Our exclusive adapter ring lets you use 800g or 1200g cylinders, extending usage time and enabling application on tanks up to 400 liters. Switching to these larger cylinders reduces change frequency, potentially saving up to 70%. Attach the ring to the regulator and screw it onto a large cylinder for enhanced efficiency.