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Discus food.

Hikari® food for discus fish,
the emperor of the aquarium!

Discus fish are among the most popular and beloved aquarium fish. With their beautiful palette of colours, stripes and unusual shape, the Discus is also known as the emperor among aquarium fish. Discus fish like varied food, in the wild they eat water fleas, mosquito larvae and artemia, as well as algae and plants.

Specially developed &
excellent digestibility.

Food to make the most beautiful colours
even more beautiful.

Hikari® food for discus fish.

Hikari offers high-quality food that ensures excellent growth and sublime colours for your discus fish.

Hikari Discus Bio-Gold®

Hikari Discus Bio-Gold has been scientifically developed based on the food requirements and eating habits of discus fish. The highly porous pellet immediately softens but does not crumble, despite its very specific way of eating. The discus takes the food in its mouth and spits it out again and again. Hikari Discus Bio-Gold contains all necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals for healthy growth, good physique and vivid natural colours

Available in: 80 gram, 1 kg

Hikari Vibra Bitesâ„¢

Hikari Vibra Bites is designed to mimic the shape and movement of live red mosquito larvae. The food sinks slowly and moves through the current in the water like live food, this lures fish to eat, most fish love this type of food. Hikari Vibra Bites provides exceptional, brilliant and vibrant colours. The food can be fed to all fish that also eat live food.

Available in:: 35 – 73 – 280 gram

Freshkeeper Refill Solution

The Hikari Freshkeeper Refill Solution offers the perfect solution for preserving the freshness of fish food. The integrated valve system in the lid ensures extremely precise dosing during feeding. With the Hikari Freshkeeper, you choose exceptional nutritional care for your fish!

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