Our filter optimization products.
With these Colombo products you will start and maintain your filter! Our products will make sure your pond will stay healthy and stable.
Bactuur Filterstart
Filterstart is a bacteria starter for new and existing ponds. In the spring and after maintenance the biological equilibrium needs to be re-established. The living bacteria in Filter Start will help to get the filter working as soon as possible.
Sufficient for:
- 500 ML = 2.500 ltr
- 1.000 ML = 5.000 ltr
- 2.500 ML = 12.500 ltr
Bactuur Activator
Activator is a vegetable biocatalyst. The unique extracts of plants boost the activity of the beneficial bacteria in Filterstart and Bactuur Clean. This helps to achieve the desired effects of the bacteria.
Sufficient for:
- 500 ML = 2.500 ltr
- 1.000 ML = 5.000 ltr
- 2.500 ML = 12.500 ltr
Colombo Bacto Balls
Bacto balls for clean and clear water, optimum biology, and healthy plants and fish. They also reduce algae growth and break down organic waste. The balls are impregnated with unique Colombo bacteria. DNA screening techniques have been used to select the best strains.
Sufficient for:
- 500 ML = 5.000 ltr
- 1.000 ML = 10.000 ltr
- 2.500 ML = 25.000 ltr
Bactuur Bio Start
Bactuur Bio Start creates a biological balance in your pond 100 ml, Bactuur Bio Start contains 200 billion freeze dried bacteria. Within 24 hours of adding to the pond water, billions of beneficial bacteria will start to grow. These bacteria are supporting biological processes, which occur in the pond water.
Bactuur Clean Sludge.
The heterotrophic bacteria in Clean will quickly decompose sludge and organic waste. The result is a clean pond and filter, hence less problems with algae and water quality.
Sufficient for:
- 500 ML = 2.500 ltr
- 1.000 ML = 5.000 ltr
- 2.500 ML = 12.500 ltr